The Department of Cardiology in KazNMU was founded on September 1, 2019. The head of the Department of Cardiology in KazNMU is MD, professor, cardiologist of the highest qualification category, the organizer of healthcare of the highest qualification category Berkinbayev Salim Fakhatovich. The staff of the Department of Cardiology of KazNMU is represented by the following employees: – Professor of the department, MD, associate professor, cardiologist of the highest qualification category Dzhunusbekova Gulnara Aldeshovna; – Professor of the department, MD, doctor-cardiologist of the highest qualification category Tundybaeva Meiramgul Kapsimetovna, – Associate professor, candidate of medical sciences, cardiologist of the highest qualification category Abenova Aliya Turarovna, – Associate professor, head teacher, candidate of medical sciences, cardiologist of the highest qualification category Oralbekova Zhanara Meiramovna, -Assistant of the department, cardiologist of the second qualification category Kabdulkayeva Aliya Iranovna, – Assistant of the department, cardiologist of the second qualification category Mamedgulieva Zhannat Tokhtalievna, – Assistant of the department, cardiologist of the second qualification category Leonovich Tatyana Nikolaevna, -Assistant of the department, cardiologist of the second qualification category Utebaliyeva Daria Dzhambulovna. The professor-teacher compound of the Department of Cardiology in KazNMU has a high pedagogical, clinical and scientific potential. The department consists of 9 employees – 55% graduate (3 doctors of medical sciences and 2 candidates of medical sciences), 100% have categories. The clinical bases of the Department of Cardiology are the leading medical organizations in Almaty and in the Republic of Kazakhstan: City Cardiology Center (head physician MD, Kodasbaev AT) and City Clinical Hospital No. 7 (chief doctor MD, professor Ramazanov M.E.). Clinical bases are equipped with the most modern types of equipment and provide specialized and highly specialized cardiological (GKC) and multidisciplinary (7GKB) inpatient and outpatient medical care to the people of Almaty. Professors and associate professors of the department provide advisory assistance to clinical bases, assistants of the department carry out the management of patients and duty.
The main scientific direction of the Department of Cardiology of KazNMU is the study of the course, the participation of various factors in the mechanisms of formation and development of complications of acute myocardial infarction in the early and distant periods among residents of a large modern metropolis (for example, Almaty). The department is preparing 5 doctoral students. A scientific club has been organized for interns and residents. Research and educational grant “Improving the literacy of doctors in the treatment of nicotine addiction of patients” was received for the staff of the department in 2019, with the development of educational and methodological material and the training of primary care physicians in providing medical assistance to the population in quitting smoking. The professor-teacher compound of the department is actively introducing modern management of cardiovascular diseases into the educational process and practical health care. In 2019 developed national protocols for the diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension, chronic coronary heart disease, prediabetes; 1 article was published in a publication with impact factor 12, six articles in publications recommended by the Committee for Control in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The staff of the department are members and leaders of the Association of Cardiologists of Kazakhstan, the Society of Specialists in Arterial Hypertension and Cardiovascular Prevention, the Association of Therapists of Kazakhstan; members of the European Society of Cardiology, the European Society of Hypertension, the European Society of Preventive Cardiology. The professor-teacher compound of Cardiology department together with relevant associations in 2019 held: XI Congress of Kazakhstan cardiologists with international participations, II Congress on arterial hypertension and cardiovascular prophylaxis with international participation under the motto “Cardiovascular prophylaxis 2019: from a clinical case to recommendations”,1 Republican scientific and practical conference on antiplatelet and antithrombotic therapy with international participation, scientific-practical conference “Secrets of the female heart”, scientific-practical conference “Nontrivial approaches to lipid-lowering therapy.”