Department Staff

Head of the department, since 2014, is MD Suleymenov Marat Smagulovich.

Suleymenov Marat Smagulovich

Education, specialty (qualification), licenses:

  • Higher, ophthalmologist
  • “Management of healthcare”GSPH, 2012
  • Master of business administration in health care “Health care Management”, 2015.

Education and date of graduation:

  • The medical faculty of Almaty State Medical Institute, 1994.
  • Postgraduate study at the Kazakh State Medical University, 1998.
  • The masters in Almaty Management University, 2015.

Specialty education:

  • Doctor of the highest category

Academic degree, academic title:

  • Doctor of Medicine, thesis title: “Excimer laser surgery in correction of residual and induced post-operated ametropia “, (2008).
  • Awards, honorary titles, certificates The badge ” Қазақстан Республикасы денсаулық сақтау ісінің үздігі»
  • Jubilee medal ” Қазақстан Республикасының тәуелсіздігіне 20 жыл»
  • Gratitude of the Minister of healthcare of Kazakhstan
  • Honorary certificate of Health Department of Almaty
  • Appreciation of the political Council of NDP “Nur Otan” of Almaty, Astana


1. Certificate of specialist in Social Hygiene and Health Organization.
2. Certificate in “Technology management in medical services” of National medical holding
3. “Actual issues of public health. Managing quality of medical care. Fundamentals of expert activities” RCHD
4. “Organization of hospital care to the population. Problems and prospects of development”
5. “Modern approaches to health management in the Republic of Kazakhstan” GSPH
6. “Management in Public Health”
7. Innovations in Medicine and Pharmaceutics (3ECTS) at Graduate School of Management in Barcelona
8. The primary retraining in “Management of health” GSPH
9. “Health care management” Almaty Management University
10. “The procedure of external assessment (audit) of higher institution and examination reports of self-esteem”.
11. Alcon WaverLight Technology Users Meeting From june 17th to 19th , 2016 in Berlin,Germany.


Utelbaeva Zauresh  Tursunovna

Born in 1969 Graduated with honors from Almaty state medical Institute in 1993. From 1993 to 1995 studied in clinical internship at the Kazakh scientific research Institute GB. Since 1995 she  works at the Department of ophthalmology, first as an assistant, since 2004-associate Professor, since 2014 Professor of the Department. In 2003  defended her thesis. In 2007 awarded the title of associate Professor

Doctor of medical Sciences – 2012, the title associate Professor-2007;

Сontacts 8 777 275 32 69;

Education: higher, ASMI 1993;

Scientific activity: 2010 – doctoral thesis “Clinical and metabolic disorders in age-related macular degeneration and methods of their correction”

Published more than 100 scientific articles, including foreign publications, publications HCC, guidelines, tutorials. Participated in scientific conferences. Repeatedly passed courses of improvement of qualification in ophthalmology in Moscow, Bishkek, Kiev; courses in pedagogy, testology.  Has highest medical category. She supervises the scientific work of students, residents, who repeatedly received prizes at scientific conferences. Awarded a badge “excellent health” in 2015, KazNMU diplomas. Member of the society of ophthalmologists of Kazakhstan and Turkey.

Uldanov Oleg Galimovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Contacts: 2918660, 8-777-270-26-32

Education: Higher Medical. Almaty State Medical Institute 1986 – Medical Matter.

Scientific activity: Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Science –«Artificial lens capsule (experimental and clinical researches)».14.00.08 – Eye diseases, 1993

Author and co-author of 56 scientific works


Berdisheva Aliya Amanovna

1996 she graduated from the pediatric faculty of Almaty state medical Institute. From 2003 works as an assistant at the ophthalmology Department of KazNMU by S. D. Asfendiyarov.

Contacts 87017148228

Education, ASMI, 1996.

Scientific activities: research area pathology of the cornea.

In 2015 took a refresher course in Kazakh-Russian University “Innovative technologies in ophthalmology” (216ч.), in 2016. “Communication skills for clinical disciplines” (54 hours.) in of Kaz MUNO . Warded the medal “Bronze medal” Kazakh National Medical University. S. D. Asfendiyarov for contribution to the development of medical education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2010.

Scientific publications: Published more than 40 scientific articles, including foreign publications, journals HAC of RK, co-author of the guidelines, tutorial. Regularly participated in the scientific-practical conferences. Member of the society of ophthalmologists of Kazakhstan and Turkey.


Ismailova Svetlana Kuralbaebna

Was born and grew in Tashkent. In middle school i studied for 1977-1987. 1987 he entered the Tashkent medical College and in 1989 finished it and entered in TashPMI .1996 finished, a specialty in pediatrics, qualification: doctor ophthalmologist. For 1996-1999 worked Tashkent’s in Republic ophthalmology hospital. Since 1999 worked as a doctor ophthalmologist in Shymkent’s CCP №3.

2007-2009 in Almaty medical college as a teacher. 2009-2013 KazNMU department of pharmacology, since 2013 in department ophthalmology. Married, two children: a son and daughter.


Ahmet Saule Serikovna

1983 Graduated in 2012 KAZ NMU  by  S. D. Asfendiyarov. In 2012-2013 she was an Intern in ophthalmology at the Kazakh scientific research Institute GB. 2014-2017 residency on the specialty “ Ophthalmology, including children”.  Since 2017 September works at the Department of ophthalmology at KAZ NMU by S. D. Asfendiyarov.

Contacts 87078112242

Education, KAZ NMU them. S. D. Asfendiyarov, 2012