The Department of Endocrinology is one of the young departments of the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov. As an independent structure was organized on August 27, 2009 by order of the rector of KazNMU, Professor A.A. Akanova. In 2016, the Department of Endocrinology was disbanded due to structural changes at the university.
In 2017, on the orders of the rector, professor T.S. Nurgozhin and the decision of the Scientific Council of KazNMU, the department of endocrinology was again restored.
The staff of the department are highly qualified specialists in the field of pediatric and adult endocrinology, with long pedagogical and scientific experience. The department has 2 professors, 1 associate professor, 4 associate professors, 4 assistants.
The department prepares students of 4th-course bachelors, 2nd year interns students in the field of “Therapy” in the specialty 051301 “General Medicine” in the discipline of “Endocrinology”, resident doctors in the specialty of” Endocrinology, including children”, magistrate and doctoral students PhD
The Department of Endocrinology has trained 29 resident doctors in the specialty of endocrinology, including children’s. 6 magistrate in the discipline of “Endocrinology”,and 1 Associate PhD candidate.
Currently, 3 doctoral students and 19 residents are studying at the department. The clinical bases of the department since 2012 is the University Clinic KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarova “Center of Internal Diseases” (Raiymbek St. 50A), University Clinic “Children’s Center” KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarova, POLYCLINIC №10,№5,№26.
Since 2017, the post of head of the department of endocrinology is held by Ph.D., associate professor Bolshakova S.V.
Classes are held on a “credit” training system. The educational process is conducted on clinical bases.
The purpose of the department is a high-quality problem-oriented medical education for students and residents of the University, the introduction of new educational technologies. According to the Concept of reforming medical and pharmaceutical education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the faculty of the department was trained at the following seminars: “Innovative technologies in medical education”, “Fundamentals of testology. The rules for the preparation of test tasks and their analysis ”,“ Program, modern methods and organization of the teaching process and student assessment methods ”,“ Effective teacher. 12 roles of a modern teacher of a medical university ”(54 hours), 4.“ Development of communicative skills of students in clinical disciplines ”(54 h) «Интерндерді және резиденттерді бағалауда МСQ қолдану» (18с), «Тиімді оқытушы. Виртуалды науқас» (15с).
A refresher course and postgraduate education was created at the department, where 25 doctors underwent initial retraining in the specialty “Endocrinology”, 20 doctors advanced training. Also, the department staff conducted a continuing education course for Taldykorgan nurses “Organization of the work of nurses in assisting patients with diabetes mellitus”.