Methodical work

Department of General Immunology is a scientific and methodical center of the national total, with rich scientific, methodological and human resources.

Every year, in order to optimize the learning process are processed, discussed at meetings of the department and approved by the examination tests, work programs, guidelines for students, didactic material provided. Every employee of the department fixed the responsibility for the development and updating of educational-methodical documentation of relevant disciplines and faculties.

In order to ensure the quality of training and optimization of the educational process of the department faculty actively participates in educational seminars and conferences organized by the Department of academic work and the cycles of training in pedagogy and psychology and specialty Immunology, Allergology.

The department is actively implemented the principle of three languages in the educational process. Virtually all employees are taught in Russian and Kazakh languages, while actively developing the teaching of the English language. Associate Professor AS Tarabaeva It has certified the Advanced level, the rest of the staff – Intermediate and Upper-intermediate.

The department organized a computer class. Office equipment consists of computers to students in the amount of 10 pieces, laptop for the teacher.; projector and screen for demonstration of educational films.

In the computer lab works are carried out:

  1. Admission boundary control;
  2. Assessment of the legal competence;
  3. Working with the electronic textbooks, electronic textbooks, electronic Dictionary of Immunology;
  4. Viewing and discussion of educational animated films on the topics of classes. A total of 12 of its own production of films and 21 films borrowed;

Copyright training videos (kaz., rus.) – 12:

  • Immunopathogenesis of immune complexes;
  • Building C1 of the complement system;
  • Immunopathogenesis of hemolytic disease of newborn
  • The structure of immunoglobulins;
  • Formation of secretory immunoglobulin A;
  • Cellular mechanisms of anti-tumor immunity.

Electronic textbooks:

  • ℮-textbook “Общая иммунология”
  • ℮-textbook “Жалпы иммунология”

Electronic tutorial – 14:

  • Structure of the immune system. Genesis lymphocytes. The concept of immune surveillance. The concept of the immune response. Karakushikova, Shortanbaev A., Kozhanova S.;
  • Shortanbaev A., Kozhanova S., Karakushikova A.;
  • Humoral immunity system. Shortanbaev, Kaliakparova G., Kozhanova S., Balpanova G.;
  • The role of the complement system in the immune response. Kozhanova S., Bizhigitova B., Shortanbaev;
  • Antigen-presenting cells. Bizhigitova B., Kozhanova S.;
  • System of cellular immune. Kozhanova, Shortanbaev A., Bizhigitova B.;
  • Kaliakparova G., Kozhanova S., Bitanova E.;
  • The anti-tumor immunity. Kozhanova S., Shortanbaev, Balpanova G.;
  • Major histocompatibility complex. Shortanbaev, Balpanova G.;
  • Basics of transplantation immunity. Balpanova G., Shortanbaev A.;
  • Mechanisms of hypersensitivity. Shortanbaev, Kozhanova S., Karakushikova A.;
  • Immunodeficiency states. Kozhanova S., Karakushikova, Bitanova E.;
  • Vaccines and prophylaxis by vaccine. Kozhanova S., Bizhigitova B., Shortanbaev;
  • Methods for assessing the immune status. Karakushikova, Muhambetova S., Kozhanova S., Sadvakasova G.


Publications of employees of the Department for teaching work



Name The nature of work Output data Volume Contributors
1. Опыт преподавания иммунологии в Казахском Национальном медицинском университете им. С.Д. Асфендиярова thesis Материалы Объединенного иммунологического форума-2013//Нижний Новгород, Россия


1 page Shortanbaev A.,  Bizhigitova B., Bitanova E.
2 Формирование ценностных ориентации у студентов КазНМУ article Вестник КазНМУ, a special edition dedicated to the scientific and practical conference with international participation «Модель медицинского образования КазНМУ им. С.Д. Асфендиярова: опыт и перспективы развития студенческого потенциала» 3 page Shortanbaev A., Kozhanova S., Balpanova G.
3. Вклад инновационных образовательных структур и процессов в повышение качества образования article Вестник КазНМУ 4 page Kamaliev M., Bitanova E., Kurmanova G.
4. «Innovative technologies in theaching General Immunology» Web- article Scientific-practical conference with international participation «Модель медицинского образования КазНМУ им. С.Д. Асфендиярова: опыт и перспективы развития студенческого потенциала», Алматы, May 28-29, 2015. 4 page Balpanova G., Bizhigitova B., Bitanova E., Nurmuhanbetova А.


List of scientific publications of employees

Contributors Name Output data

(name of the magazine, city, year, number, volume, numbers page)

1. Bizhigitova B.,

Bitanova E.,

Nurmuhanbetova А.

Адъюванты нового поколения в конструировании современных вакцин Журнал инфектологии, tome 9, №1, 2017,
2. Nazhmedenova A., Kuatbaeva A. Внедрение электронного регистра профилактических прививок против папилломавирусной инфекции в Республике Казахстан Журнал инфектологии, 2016 г., №2, tome 8, 71-72 p.


3. Ramazanova B., Nazhmedenova A., Mustafina K.,

Yeralieva L.


Эффективность вакцинации против пневмококковой инфекции в Республике Казахстан Журнал инфектологии, 2016 г., №2, tome 8, 79-79p.


4. Rakisheva A., Nazhmedenova A. Влияние различных факторов на заболеваемость туберкулезом в Казахстане Журнал инфектологии, tome 9, №1, 2017, 116 p.