Educational –methodical work

Information-didactic material (microphotographs) was prepared on all topics of practical classes and the second stage of exams for 2nd-year students Om English-language training. (Sapargalieva AD). To all practical exercises for students of the 2nd year of English language of English-speaking instruction, the situational problems-illnesses of famous people (14 tasks) are prepared. Sapargalieva AD

The situational tasks for the 2nd year students of the Russian language were prepared Russian-language training on the CDS “Disease and death of great people”. With the presentation of data by students in the classroom with the diagnosis, complications and prognosis of the disease, the correct tactics of treating patients, iatrogenic pathology. (9 problems) (Shumkova EN) The situational tasks for practical classes and the second stage of examinations for students of Kazakh studies (22 tasks) were revised (Serikbay MK, Anayatova B.Zh.) Information-didactic material (120 microphotographs) was prepared on all topics of practical exercises for 2nd year students Om Kazakh and Russian education. (Alsherieva UA, Shingineeva Zh.T.)

9 Tests in the format of MSQ for students of the 2nd course of OM, 3 courses of the stoma were made. (level 269, level 271, level 3 135), MTD-450 (level 1, 180, level 2, level 180, level 90). The OS and SD were composed of 225 tests (level 1, 90, level 90, level 3).