Department of Histology of Kazakh national medical university named after S.D. Asfendyarov
Progressive science is not able to exist without corresponding educational work. That’s why the staff of histologic department of Kazakh national medical university named after S.D. Asfendyarov carries out its activities in accordance with the principle “unity of upbrining and education”.
Great Kazakh public figure Abai Kunanbayev wrote in his edification: “Education and science are the most important for any child. But children are not able to gain them without the help of an experienced instructor”.
The first of September is “The day of knowledge”. This is the day of agitation for brining up young people to respect world and national culture, to gain humanity, to go in for different kinds of sport.
For the fifteenth of October the department of histology planned the event called “Are you ready for the cataclysms?”. That event was devoted to the tragedy that took place in the village of Kizilagash. Besides the department planned to hold the event devoted to bloodshed of 1986. It was held as a part of celebration devoted to 20th anniversary sovereignty.
The students and teachers of the department organized The New Year party where Grandfather Frost and Snow-Maiden congratulated everybody. At that party there was a concert including songs, scenes and dances.
Before celebration of national holiday Nauryz (New Year or Christmas in accordance with ancient Judaic calendar) teachers of the department conducted competition in the Kazakh language for Russian speaking students. All the teams should show their knowledge not only in nation language but also in national traditions. Among the invited officials there were the dean of the faculty of general medicine R.T. Jumasheva and her deputies, and senior supervising professors.
There were also celebration devoted to 165th anniversary of great Kazakh writer and public figure Abai Kunanbayev, where students recited his poems. Every year there is the celebration devoted to the Victory in the Second World War.
It is necessary to remember that the full-fledged education cannot exist without corresponding educational work carried out by older generation.
Methodological work
The staff of histologic department carries out the methodological work very successfully.
From the year 2010, practical lessons on “Special histology” for the second-year students of the stomatological faculty are given according to the method of TBL that has for an object to improve quality of the teaching. In 2010-2011 academic year the method of TBL was used at the practical lessons for the second-year students of “General medicine” faculty.
The method of TBL is a team method. It is one of the innovative teaching methods, it is useful for small students’ groups for the purpose of skilled personnel training. That method helps the students to learn lessons well. Because of that method the students become active participants of educational process. In this way they learn to use their knowledge for doing some concrete tasks.
Practical lessons for the third-year students of the “General medicine” faculty are given in accordace with the module system approved in 2006. At the lectures, practical lessons and lessons of intermediate control the lecturers of histologic department make use of photomicrographs, tests, situational tasks that they prepared for the purpose of improving the understanding both every topic and significance of the basic academic disciplines for their future medical activity.
At the practical lessons the lecturers use multiocular microscope. Because of that microscope all the students of each group can at the same time investigate, discuss and diagnose histologic structures.
For the purpose of improvement of the educational process the staff of histologic department has prepared and published “Guide for lecturers” on “General histology” and “Special histology” in the Russian and Kazakh languages. Those manuals are intended for the lecturers that give lessons at the faculties of “General medicine” and “Stomatological”. Those manuals were compiled on the basis of learner’s guides that were prepared and edited by the histologic department of Kazakh national medical university in 2005.
Histologic department has published “Atlas of histology, cytology and embryology” (2006) that contains a large number of photomicrographs, electron micrographs and diagrams, and “Atlas of photomicrographs” for the course of histology, cytology and embryology (2010). The department also edited “Learner’s guide for independent education of the students for the course of “General histology” and “Special histology”, and “Tests” of “General histology” and “Special histology”.
Research work
From the year 2000 research work of the histologic department was done in accordance with the programme “Investigation of regularities of morphologic changes in tissues and cells in case of influence of environment on organism”. Supervisor of the studies – head of histologic department, doctor of medicine, professor Yui R.I. Senior lecturer Kruglikovskaya T.F. carried out experimental work and then defended graduation paper on the subject: “Morphologic and functional changes in the spermatogenous epithelium under the influence of phosphin on the rat’s organism”. Because of results of that research work there was an opportunity to estimate unfavourable influence of phosphorous production on the organism.
At present research work of the department is directed to the development of scientific methods of diagnostics and monitoring of the condition of oral mucous tunic. That work is being done for the purpose of improving health of people of different sex and age. From the year 2000 the staff of histologic department developed scientific methods of determination of the oral cavity cytogram, glycogen detection in the epithelium and monitoring cytological indices with the help of morphodensimertry. Because of availability of equipment of the laboratory the staff of department was able to carry out the whole scientific plan. As a result, six stages of differentiation of mucosal epithelial cell were determined. Those data are used in practical activities.
Three prepatents were obtained for the above mentioned research work: “Method of determination of cellular condition with the help of morphodensimetry” (prepatent № 14226 registration number 2002/1183.1, authors Yui R.I., Ergazina M.Z.). “Method of determination of the condition of the oral mucous tunic in the normal and pathologic conditions” (prepatent № 14227 registration number 2002/1184.1, authors Yui R.I., Ergazina M.z., Asanbayeva D.E.).
Making use of devised innovatory methods post-graduate student of the department Ergazina M.Z. determined the time of the beginning of acrophase of the biorhythm of gingival fluid epithelium differentiation in male different aged organisms that are characterized by the morning biorhytmology type. As a result she proved possibility of the preventive chronotherapy for the chronic gingival disease. Method of chronotherapy of the chronic catarrhal gingivitis was applied in practical activities in the department of the therapeutic stomatology of the Kazakh national medical university, and in the stomatological polyclinic “Almatystom”. Post-graduate student Ergazina defended graduation paper on the subject “ Cytofunctional analysis of the age-related twenty-four-hours gingival rhythm”.
Assistant of professor Semchenkova C.A. investigated comparative data of the buccal epithelium of men, of nonpregnant women during menstrual cycle, and of women during postmenstrual period. As a result she determined dependence of the oral mucous tunic on the sex, and on the condition of the menstrual function in female organism.
Results of that research work were used as regulations in carrying out the scientific programme “Medical and biological foundations of human pathology and health protection” that includes examination of the patients’ suffering from drug addiction, lichen ruber planus, ulcer of stomach and duodenum, reflux esophagitis, pancreatic diabetes. That scientific project was worked out by: assistant professor Kalinina M.S., senior lecturer Kruglikovskaya T.F., senior lecturer Tusupova N.M., senior lecturer Jangeldina Z.N. Participant of the project Asanbayeva D.E. defended graduation paper on the subject “Cytological description of the twenty-four-hours’ rhythm of the oral mucous tunic in normal condition and in case of gastroesophageal reflux disease” (2007).
Histologic department has become a scientific centre of the cytological investigation of the oral mucous tunic . It also has become educational courses for preparation of scientific personnels. The lecturer of Karaganda state medical academy Rybalkina D.H. underwent the courses under the leadership of professor Kurkin A,V. and professor Yui H.I., carried out and defended graduation paper on the subject “Cytological features and reactivity of the buccal epithelial cells in the children’s organism (2008). The result of the investigation were introduced not only in Kazakh national medical university (subdepartment of histology, sudepartment of pathologic anatomy, stomatology, subdepartment of children infectious diseases), but also at histologic subdepartments of other medical universities.
From the year 2010 the main scientific subjects became: “Reactivity of epithelial cells of the oral mucous tunic in case of diabetes”, “Development of methods of antiaging and longevity in Kazakhstan”.
On the basis of the scientific analysis of the structural features of mucous tunic in case of pancreatic diabetes, Professor Yui R.I. and Mulkibayeva S.S. took out an innovatory patent for their invention “Method of non-invasive cytologic diagnostics and monitoring of pancreatic diabetes”. The results of that investigation have considerable practical perspective, they describe reliable cytological criteria of the pathology of the oral mucous tunic in case of pancreatic diabetes.
During the last ten years the staff of the sub-faculty has published 150 scientific articles. Lecturers take part in conferences, make reports at the international congresses, act as official opponents of dissertations and degree works.
Prize “Active worker of the student scientific society” received the student who made a report at the conference devoted to “The day of science of the Kazakh national medical university”:
In 2002, Fomenko K.V. (fourth-year student of the stomatological department) – “Cytological investigation of the special toothpaste in the treatment of the parodontosis” (supervisor of studies – professor Yui R.I.).
In 2002, Tashtitova L. (second-year student of the pediatric department) – “Quantitative investigation of the pigmentation with the help of microphotometry” (supervisor of studies – senior lecturer Tusupova N.M.).
In 2003, Aymagambetova D. (second-year student of the therapeutic department) – “Cytological indices for the evaluation of the efficacy of the treatment for parodontitis (supervisor of studies – assistant professor Ergazina M.J.).
In 2004, Aymagambetova D. (third-year student of the therapeutic department), Kistanov C. (first-year student of the stomatological department) – “Description of the cytogram of buccal epithelium in the case of gastric and duodenal ulcer” (supervisor of studies – Semchenkova S.A.).
In 2005, Aymagambetova D. (fourth-year student of the therapeutic department) – “Special features of cytogram of the buccal mucous tunic in different periods of sex cycle” (supervisor of studies – Semchenkova S.A.).
In 2006, Mametova T. (fourth-year student of the theraupeutic department) – “Structural features of teeth and parodentium” (supervisor of studies – professor Yui R.I.).
In 2008, Duysenbayeva A. (second-year student of the therapeutic department – “Extracorporal fertilization” (supervisor of studies – assistant professor Abildinov R.B.).
In 2008, Baybekova A., Berkimbayeva D. (second-year student of the therapeutic department) – “Comparative epithelial cytogram of the mucous tunic of hard palate during ovarian cycle and in case of pregnancy” (supervisor of studies – senior lecturer Tusupova N.M.).
In 2007, Mediev D. (fifth-year student of the therapeutic department) gained first place at the student conference devoted to “The day of science of the Kazakh national medical university”.
In 2008, Akbergenova R. (third-year student of the therapeutic department) – “Investigation of cytogram of mucous tunic of the lip in case of pancreatic diabetes”. The report was awarded with special prize.
Carrying out the research work, histologic department of Kazakh national medical university collaborate with Institute of biology (Moscow), and with Innstitute of problems of biology and biothechnology (Almaty).
Academic work
The staff of the histologic department gives lessons to the students of the first, second and third courses.
The first course:
“Sanitary faculty” (Russian and Kazakh sub-faculty) – 4 groups
“Prophylactic faculty” (Russian and Kazakh sub-faculty) –10 groups
The second course: “Stomatological faculty” (Russian and Kazakh sub-faculty) –16 groups
The second course:
“General medicine” General histology (Russian and Kazakh sub-faculty) – 96 groups
The third course: “General medicine” Special histology (Russian and Kazakh sub-faculty) – 124 groups
During the school year more than 2500 students of 20 streams study the subject at histologic department. In the first course the lessons are given in accordance with shortened system, in the second course the lessons are given in accordance with ordinary system, in the third course the lessons are given in accordance with module system. At the histologic department there are six lecture rooms and six auxiliary class-rooms, their general area is 376 square meters.
At present the following lecturers work at histologic department: head of the department professor Yui R.I., professor Nurmuhambetova B.N., associate professor candidate of biology Abildinov R.B., associate professor candidate of medicine Kalinina M.S., associate professor candidate of biology Semchenkova S.A., associate professor candidate of medicine Ergazina M.Z., senior lecturer Ayapova Z.O., senior lecturer candidate of biology Tusupova N.M., senior lecturer candidate of biology Jangeldina Z.N., senior lecturer candidate of biology Kruglikovskaya T.F., senior lecturer Mulkibayeva S.S., senior lecturer Yesimova G.K., lecturer Naumova L.I., lecturer Adilova M.G., lecturer Mansurova Z.E., lecturer Abjaparova A.T., lecturer Janbirbayeva A.K., lecturer Tagirova R.T., lecturer candidate of veterinary medicine Jadranov E.S.
Histologic department has all the necessary study materials in the Russian and Kazakh languages that were worked out in accordance with state standards.
Learner’s guides in the Russian and Kazakh languages were worked out for all the topics. They are used at practical lessons. Teaching load is 36 hours a week (six working days a week).
All the lessons are supplied with histologic specimens, plates, tests, multimedia slides and films. For the improvement of the educational process the lecturers of the department also make use of their knowledge that they gained at special post-graduate courses.
Lecturers of histologic deparnment are authors of “Atlas of cytology, histology and embryology”, “Atlas of histological photomicrographs”, “Tests of general histology” and “Tests of special histology”.