On the basis of the State Compulsory Education Standards (SES) in 2003 year and the order of L.02.1 KazNMU 05.01.2004 “On organization of an independent chair,” Fundamentals of Nursing “at our university was opened by this Department.
It is located at the clinical basis City Clinical Hospital № 7, Almaty Multidisciplinary Clinical Hospital (regional hospital), hospital in the village Kamenka, hospital railway station in Almaty I and city clinic number 18.
The department taught the following courses in the State and Russian languages on SES-2006:
– Students of a course on a specialty “General Medicine” on the subject “Introduction to the clinic-1”;
– 2nd year students of specialty “General Medicine” on the subject “Introduction to the clinic-2”;
– Students of a course on a specialty “Nursing” on the subject “Fundamentals of Nursing”;
– 2nd year students of specialty “Nursing” on the subject “Fundamentals of Nursing”;
– Students of a course on a specialty “Stomatology” on the subject “Introduction to the clinic”;
– 4th year students of specialty “Pharmacy” on discipline “First aid”.
The department received training in elective subjects:
– 2nd year students of specialty “Nursing” in the subject “The Philosophy of Nursing”;
– 2nd year students of specialty “Nursing” subject “First aid”;
– 3rd year students majoring in “Nursing” subject “Foundations of Social Work Nursing”;
– 4th year students of specialty “Nursing” in the subject, “The theoretical and scientific basis of nursing.”
The Department conducts training production practice:
– A course for the students specialty “General Medicine” – “junior assistant nurses”;
– For 2nd year students of specialty “General Medicine” – “assistant ward nurse”;
– 3 courses for students of specialty “General Medicine” – “procedural assistant nurses”;
– A course for students majoring in “Nursing” – “junior assistant nurses”;
– 2 courses for students majoring in “Nursing” – “Nursing”;
– 4 courses for students majoring in “Nursing” – “Bachelor of Nursing”;
– A course for students of specialty “Stomatology” – “assistant ward nurse.”
The training is frontally and linearly.
Teaching staff of Department:
– Orazbakova G.O. – candidate of medical sciences, Head of the Department.
– Adilova L.M. – candidate of medical sciences, assistant.
– Seytimova Sh.A. – assistant.
– Taubekova N.S. – assistant.
– Kusherbayev E.Sh. – assistant.
– Akhmetov A.A. – assistant.
– Botanbekova K.R. – assistant.
– Omarova R.O. – assistant.
– Rahysheva A.A. – assistant.
During the period of master’s theses are protected by the Department:
– Musina N.S. on the theme “Vegetative and neuropsychological disorders in patients with chronic kidney disease,” supervisors doctor of medical sciences, professor Semenov R.I., doctor of medical sciences, professor Abeuov B.A. Academic Council pedagogical faculty of KazNMU on 22/10/02., protocol. Number 2. 2005
– Orazbakova G.O. on the theme “Comprehensive hygienic assessment of the impact of the educational process on the functional state of the body and health of young people studying in colleges in the city of Almaty”, supervisors prof. Omarova M.N., doctor of medical sciences, professor Zharkinov E.Zh.
– Nurmahanova J.M. on the theme: “Violation of porto-hepatic hemodynamics and its correction in patients with heart failure of ischemic origin”, supervisor doctor of medical sciences, professor Turlanov K.M.
During the period of existence, the Department published:
– “Nurse in therapy “, a teaching manual, Binazarov N.D, Omralina E.T, Musaeva G.A
– “The syndrome of autonomic dysfunction in patients with chronic kidney disease,” guidelines, Musina N.S.
– “Neuropsychological disorders in patients with chronic kidney disease,” guidelines, Musina N.S.
– “Evaluation of the functional state of the brain in patients with chronic kidney disease,” the materials of symposia, conferences, congresses, seminars, an international scientific-practical conference “Actual problems of neurology,” Mussina N.S.
– “Methods of assessing the quality of the organization of physical education lessons in medium and secondary school facilities,” a teaching aid, Orazbakova G.O.
The department made up of training and guidelines in the Kazakh and Russian languages, which are processed in the following years, according to a model program. Total employees of the Department prepared and processed 132 Manuals for practical training (from 65 for teachers and from 61 for students) from 684 case studies,1620 tests for classes and exams, 10 lectures.