Scientific-research work

Participation in the implementation of the existing STP


The name of STP, Research Manager Source of funding (MES, MoH RK, university and other sources) The amount of funding Full name of participating students, residents, masters, PhD



Plan to participate in competitions of STP


The name of STP, Research Manager Source of funding (MES, MoH RK, university and other sources) The requested amount of funding


Form 2

Plan for acts of implementation in health practice


Name of the act of implementation  Own or borrowed (least common) Developer  Stage and location, implementation time
1. Installation of the Prolifter in the fall of the anterior wall of the vagina.  Borrowed  Docent Espayeva R.N




2. Installation of TVTobturator with incontinence.  Borrowed  Docent Espayeva R.N




3. The use of tranexamic acid in obstetrics.  Borrowed  Head of the department., d.m.s.  Isenova S.Sh.Docent Bishekova B.N  Maternity hospital №52017-18
4. Risk factors for obstetric hemorrhages.  Borrowed  Head of the department., d.m.s.  Isenova S.Sh.Docent Bishekova B.N  Maternity hospital №52017-18


Form 3

Plan for publishing activities


Kind of edition  Name, Authors ApproximateNumber of pages  Language of publication  Level

(international, republican)

Place of publication, year of publication 
Kazakh  English. Russian
1. Tutorials 
2. Collections of materials of scientific events 
3. Guidelines 
4. Training aids(electronic)  Bishekova B.N.

Учебное пособие

« Қыз балалар және жасөспірімдер гинекалогиясының негізгі мәселелері »

Электронное пособие:

Espaeva R.N.










































Almaty, 2018г.








Almaty, 2018г.

5. Protocol for diagnosis and treatment 
6. Manuals   
7. Atlases 
8. Statistical compilations 
9. Analytical reviews 
10. The normative legal acts (programs, rules, instructions) approved by state bodies, 
11. Other 

Publication plan


Form 4


Publication type Quantity In RK In Kazakhstan editions In the CIS editions In foreign Intl. editions In collaboration with foreign scientists
1 Articles:          
without impact factor   2
with impact factor up to 2 18 16 2
with impact factor more than 2
with impact factor more than 10
2 Thesis:          
without impact factor
with impact factor up to 2
with impact factor more than 2
with impact factor more than 10

Form 5

Plan for the inventive work


Title of the invention,form of the invention (patent and utility model patent, international, Eurasian Patent)

Author (s) Level (republic, international) Applicant (department)

Form 6

Plan for the commercialization of scientific research and innovation in the health care system


Innovative product (invention, an industrial model, rationalization proposal, utility model, know-how) Name of scientific development and innovation

Form 7

The plan for the department of events


The name of the congress, conference, seminar, etc.  Place and date  Level (Intl. with intl. participation, rep., region., city) Total number of participants Number of participants from near and far abroad (organization, country)
1. Conference: “Topical issues of the modern акушерства» Maternity hospital №5  city 30
2. Seminar: “Unnecessary pregnancy”.  CCCH city 15
3. Seminar: “Abnormal uterine bleeding”.  CCCH city 20
4. Seminar: “Prenatal rupture of membranes”.  Maternity hospital №1  City 15



Form 8

Plan of participation in events



Level The name of the congress, conference, seminar, etc.  Palace and date Level (Intl. with intl. participation, rep., region., city) number of participants 
1 with an oral report (with a trip abroad)  “Mother and Child”  Moscow international  1
2 with a poster report (with a trip abroad) 
3 with an oral report (in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan)  VII scientific-practical conference with international participation “Koishibayev Readings” neurology  Almaty  


4 with a poster report (in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan)  VII scientific-practical conference with international participation “Koishibayev Readings” neurology  Almaty international  2
5 with the publication of a thesis (article) in a collection of conference materials indexed in authoritative scientific information databases (Web of Knowledge, Scopus, Springer, Pubmed, Web of Science) 
6 with the publication of the thesis (article) in the collection of conference materials indexed by the databases of scientific information of the RK and CIS countries 

Form 9

Plan of scientific work of the program “Visiting Professor”


Full name of the professor  Planned scientific works Planned publications  Planned conferences, seminars, master classes, etc.  Planned patents,acts of implementation  Deadlines 

Form 10

List of young scientists of the department (up to 35 years)



Full Name


Position  Academic degree  Specialty code number  Participation in SRW 
1. Аltaeva А.А. assistant
2. Меdelbekova М.B. assistant
3. Khaibullayeva G.F. assistant 
4. Оrazakova N.N. assistant
5. Каldasbaeva А.S. assistant
6. Кim V.D.  


Form 11

The number of female PPPs performing research and development



Full Name


Position Academic degree 
1. Isenova S.Sh. Docent D.m.s.
2. Nugmanova M.I  Docent K.m.s.
3. Kozhabekova TA  Docent K.m.s.
     4. Bishkekova B.N. Docent K.m.s.
5. Skakova R.S Docent K.m.s.
6. Espaeva R.N. Docent K.m.s.
7. Shukenova E.К. assistant
8. Sagandykova N.М. assistant
9. Umirova R.U. assistant


At the department two doctoral and one master’s theses are carried out:1. Doctoral candidate Nuradilova D. Topic: Clinical and immunological aspects of chronic pelvic inflammatory diseases in women of reproductive age.

  1. Doctoral student Dzhumagalieva A.S. Topic: The role of β-hemolytic streptococcus in the development of preterm labor.
  2. Rybin’s Master’s Degree A.N. Subject: Pre-implantation genetic screening by the method of aCGH in improving the effectiveness of assisted reproductive technologies in patients of older reproductive age.