It agrees to the main directions of policy of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbaev, the population of the country is one of its main resources and riches.
Therefore, since 1991, the leader of our young sovereign state for growth of its welfare creates all necessary conditions.
In the annual Messages our President accurately outlines that circle of sectors of economy which is necessary for this effective objective.
One of priorities in policy and economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the social protection of citizens including not only a construction of preferential housing, creation of workplaces, providing with the domestic agricultural products, but also level of training of specialists which would meet all requirements of modern society.
In preparation of a young professional personnel is on the first place as high-quality preparation of future medical personnel of the top and average management, and creation of necessary conditions for this purpose, and also increase in amount of medical services which would be not only highly professional, but also available at the price to the wide mass of the population.
For celebration of annual Day of the First President of Kazakhstan and support politicians Glavy of our state students 2 rates of faculty “General medicine” (tyyutor groups of department of histology) as future representatives of a profession – the physician of 28.11.2016 based on department of histology carried out a round table on which they expressed the thoughts and visions in the field of providing the citizens of the country with high-quality medical services including not only questions and problems of medical education, but full range of services which shall be available to the wide mass of the population. The round table was based on postulates of the Republican program “Саламатты Қазақстан 2011-2015”.
The staff of department of histology expresses special gratitude to students of groups No. 15 – 021 in preparation and the organization of the round table devoted to Day of the First President.