Composition of the dean’s office

Izmailova Slu Khabibievna

Dean of the School of General Medicine 1, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Address: st. Tole bi 88, №4 academic building, room 206

Phone: +7(727)338-70-90, ext 73-52

е-mail: [email protected]

Amantaev Kuanysh Faritovich


Deputy Dean for Research

Telephone:+7(727)338-70-90, вн  73-22





Tagirova Rima Toleukhanovna


Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs

Telephone: +7(727)338-70-90, вн  75-01

е-mail: [email protected]




Zhakupova Kyrmyzy Baimukhambetovna


Deputy Dean for Educational Work

Telephone: +7(727)338-70-90, вн





Mukhasheva Dinara Kasymbekkyzy


Chief specialist for 1st year

Telephone: +7(727)338-70-90, вн





Ansaganova Zhansaya Ansaganovna


Chief specialist for 2nd year

Telephone: +7(727)338-70-90, вн

е-mail: [email protected]




Maymakova Aigerim Meirbekovna


Chief specialist for 3rd year

Telephone: +7(727)338-70-90, вн

е-mail: [email protected]




Mukasheva Maral Sakenovna


Chief specialist for 3rd year

Telephone: +7(727)338-70-90, вн

е-mail: [email protected]




Esdauletova Makpal Amankeldievna


Chief Specialist

Telephone: +7(727)338-70-90, вн

е-mail: [email protected]