Held a charity event in the children’s department of the NSCF MH RK on December 22, 2021, timed to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Employees of the Department of General Medical Practice No. 2 of the Kazakh National Medical University named after  S. D.  Asfendiyarova represented by prof.  Mireeva A.E., prof.  Maksutova D.Zh., associate professors Davletgildeeva Z.G., Kosherbekov E.T., Mambetova I.Z., ass.  Latkina K.S., Zhukembaeva A.M., Zhakupbaeva E.O., Ukimzhan M.K., Duisenbaeva A.Zh., Tadjibaeva K.B., together with interns, held a charity event in the children’s department of the NSCF MH RK on December 22, 2021, timed to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.