On March 26, 2022, at 10.00 o’clock in room No. 2 of the seventh building with the participation of the 2nd year students of the IMS, the Department of Anatomy. The event was held in English and organized by the senior curator Abiyrova Nazim Beisenovna, on the topic: “International friendship is the beginning of the future.” The teaching staff and curators of the department of Anatomy also take part in this event (Akhmad N.S., Iskindirova A.M., Iskakova L.A., Tukibaev Zh.A., Abiyrova N.B., Musina M.S., Syzdykov D.M. , Isabekova T.K., Darmen N.Zh., Madraimova Z.A., Abdykerimova K.B., Kurbaniyazova S.S., Kelimbetova Zh.T.), and Managers of the IMS were invited. At the beginning of the round table, the hosts of the event Aroash Showkat and Mohammad Adnan Buhroo congratulated the teaching staff and students on the upcoming holiday “International Friendship Day”. Participants showed their prepared performances: RAJAT MISHRA, DIVYANSH JAIN, ATSUKO, BEAUTY KUMARI, AREEBA NAFEES KHAN, ARNAV PATHAK, and FAIZAN KHAN, ANJALI ANTHONY, ANSHUMAN SINGH, RAJENDRA MALVIYA, and YASH BARAIYA, ISHITA RAGHAV, PRIYANKA MEENA, AND SUJATA, FAIZ ALI. In conclusion of the event, Associate Professor of the Department of Anatomy Issabekova Tolkyn thanks the students for their active participation, sharing of the national culture of India. The event was held at a high level and the students were satisfied.
REPORTabout the round table dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic “International friendship is the beginning of the future”