Department Staff

Head of the Department of Biochemistry: SHARIPOV KAMALIDIN ORYNBAEVICH

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7061).

Email address: [email protected] , Sharipov.k@kaznmu .kz




Staff of the Department

Deputy head of the Department of Biochemistry: ZHAKYPBEKOVA SALTANAT SEILBEKOVNA

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7056).

E-mail: [email protected]






Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry:YERZHANOVA SARA SAID-ALIEVNA

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7056).

Email address: [email protected]






Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry:YESIMZHAN ALTYN YESIMZHANOVNA

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7061).

Email: [email protected]






Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry:BAIBULOVA MAYRA SAGIEVNA

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7061).

E-mail: [email protected]






Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry: OMIRZAKOVA KULSHAT KALIBEKOVNA

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7061).

E-mail: О[email protected]






Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry:KIRGHIZBAEVA ARAI ASKANBAEVNA

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7061).

E-mail: [email protected]






Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Biochemistry: ZHETPISBAY DINARA SHAKIROVNA

Work phone: +7 727 338 70 90 (ішкі 7061).

Email:  [email protected]






Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor in the specialty “Medicine”: BULYGIN KONSTANTIN ALEXANDROVICH

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7061)

E-mail: [email protected]






Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry, RhD: DOSYMBEKOVA RAUSHAN SARSENBAYEVNA

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7061).

E—mail: [email protected]






Lecturer of the Department of Biochemistry: MUKHAMADIEVA ELIZAVETA OLIMDZHONOVNA

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7061).

Email: [email protected]






Lecturer of the Department of Biochemistry: KALIYEVA ASSEM MUKHTARKHANOVNA

Work phone number:  +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7061).

E-mail: [email protected]






PhD, Lecturer Department of Biochemistry: INNABAT A. SARTBAYEVA

Responsible for the department’s documentation and management and quality system.

Work tel: +7 727 380 70 90

e-mail: [email protected]





Lecturer of the Department of Biochemistry PhDYERBOLOVA LAURA SERIKKANOVNA

Work phone number: +7 727 338 70 90 (вн. 7056).

E-mail: [email protected]






Assistant of the Department of Biochemistry: YAKHIN RINAT FLARITOVICH

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7061).

E-mail: [email protected]






Assistant at the department of biochemistry: ALMASBEKOVA ADINA ASHIRKHANOVNA

Work phone: +7 727 338 70 (ext. 7061).

E-mail: [email protected]





Assistant of the Department of Biochemistry: ARYKBAYEVA ALIYA BAKHYTKYZY

Contact  information:

E-mail: [email protected]






Assistant of the Department of Biochemistry: SARSENBAYEVA ULAN BAZARBAEVNA

Working tel: +7 727 338 70 (ext. 7061).

E-mail: [email protected]





Assistant at the Department of Biochemistry: Bayalieva Raushan Alibekovna

Work phone: +7 727 338 70 90 (ext. 7056).

E-mail: [email protected]