The main discipline is taught in the department – propaedeutics of Internal Medicine, which is the base for all other clinical disciplines. Department of Internal Medicine Propaedeutics is the first of therapeutic departments, organized KazGMI in 1933.
Over the years, the department was headed by Vulpe I.N. (1933-1944), Barlybaev J.A. (1944-1948 ), M. Brenner (1948-1964), Kuchin N. (1964-1986 ), B.N. Aytbembet (1986-1995, 1999-2001.), T.K. Ermuhambetov (1995-1999), Esenzhanova G.M. (from 2001 to present).
Currently the department operates two MD – Esenzhanova G.M., T.M. Imambaeva, 8 Candidates of Medical Sciences (Kitueva R.N., Zhankin A.A., S.U. Umarova, Izhanova A.K., Alibi E.B., Userbaeva G.M., Otunbayeva D.I., Idrisova G.N.). Assistant Adilshina S.K., Maykotova A.M., Madieva R.C. continue to work and are honored veteran of the department. In recent years the department has replenished by young prospective teachers.
Since 2001, the department is headed by MD, Professor Esenzhanova G.M. In order to improve the department introduced new forms and methods of teaching as a structured (step) approach in the educational process (auscultation of the lungs, heart auscultation, palpation of the abdomen, palpation of the liver on the outcome of the classroom), the elements OSKE. When carrying out practical exercises are used: models and plaster casts of bodies, training programs for the computer, listening to audio tapes and laser discs with respiratory and cardiac noise, tests, clinical problems, data sets of laboratory and instrumental examination on the subject of studies, psychological tests to identify the type of nervous activity of the student and the compatibility of people in the team; elements of the business game during practical exercises; phantom (simulator) respiratory and cardiac noise.
The department annually replenishes the educational and methodological materials, producing manuals and textbooks on the subject. Ongoing research work of the drafting of a new research program “Clinical and immunological features of rheumatoid arthritis, and brucellosis, and their differential immunotherapy.”
The results of research department staff reported at the international and national conferences and congresses are published in various publications and foreign countries.
Employees of the department carried out advisory and remedial work at the clinical sites ( in the City Centre Palliative Care, Clinic of Internal Medicine KazNMU). Teachers of the department actively pursued curatorial work with groups.