The subdepartment of laboratory diagnostics and molecular medicine located at the Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal Medicine MH RK Institute of Oncology and Radiology of the RK, City Clinical Hospital № 7 in the department of clinical diagnostic labs, children’s city hospital № 2 in the hematology department and the city polyclinic № 3.
The department taught the following subjects:
- Clinical laboratory diagnostics.
- Clinical Chemistry.
- Introduction to clinical laboratory diagnosis.
- General clinical blood analysis.
- Laboratory diagnosis of endocrine diseases.
- Molecular genetic methods in clinical practice. Drug monitoring and drug test. Tumor markers.
- Laboratory diagnosis of emergency conditions in surgery and obstetrics.
- Evaluation of immune status, and laboratory diagnosis of allergic diseases.
- Laboratory diagnosis of blood diseases and emergency conditions in neonatology.
Trained students following courses: 3 and 5 years of the faculty, “General Medicine”, 3 course “Nursing”, 6 year medical faculty, pediatric faculty and residents in the specialty “Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics” and related specialties.
Employees of the Department: MD Professor Ablaev N.R., MD Professor Zhangelova M.B, PhD, Associate Professor Beisembayeva Sh.A, Ph.D., Associate Professor Mendesheva G.G, medical assistants to a I category: Uskenbaeva U.A, Iskakova A. S., Shaikenova L.B, Duysenbaeva A.Zh, senior Assistant Askarova G.E, laborant Bukasheva A.A
Contact Information:
Address: Almaty, Aiteke bi st., 120, office. 034 (ground floor, right wing)
Head teacher of kaz. branch Shaikenova Lyazzat Bolatovna, tel: +77759805160
Head teacher of rus. branch Mendesheva Gulnara Gabrahimovna, tel: +77017530139
History of the subdepartment of Laboratory Diagnostics and Molecular Medicine
In accordance with the decision of the Academic Council KazNMU on June 5, 2001, and the order № 231 of July 19, 2001 in order to improve the quality of the students had been taught a training course “Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics” from September 1, 2001. The head of the training course has been appointed MD, professor Zhangelova MB
The first clinical base of the course was the city Emergency Care Hospital. For patients with medical institutions in Almaty and students were advanced hematologic, biochemical, ultrasound and other diagnostic studies.
Since the beginning of 2003-2004 academic year course was transformed into a subdepartament, “Clinical laboratory and instrumental diagnostic”, greatly expanded staff, introduced the teaching of new training courses, organized by the new well-equipped laboratory of clinical microbiology (Vastec 960 bacteriological analyzer Termo-labSystems gas chromatograph firm Agilent HP 6890), clinical Biochemistry, “Diamorf” PCR – diagnosis, ELISA.
Head of the subdepartment was appointed as MD, Associate Professor Beisembayev Sh.A. Classrooms equipped with computers. Expanded clinical base of the subdepartment – Clinical Hospital № 7, City Diagnostic Center, Emergency Care Hospital, a maternity hospital № 1, the medical center “Hack.”
The subdepartment was organized internship, residency, postgraduate and doctoral studies. Students are engaged in the Scientific Research section. With the training of doctors and specialists in modern diagnostic technologies: PCR, ELISA, ultrasound, echocardiography, EEG, spirography, bacterial analyzers, biochemistry, hematology analyzers and morfodensitometry.
Research conducted on the basis of their microbiological laboratory named by Kyuntsinger equipped with modern facilities and organized with the sponsorship of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and with the personal participation Fernand Goldshmit.
In December 2006, after the recommendations of the Scientific Council of Faculty of Medicine and the CMS therapeutic disciplines to the teaching of instrumental diagnosis transferred to the subdepartment of Oncology, Radiology, and mammalogy.
In 2008 (Order № 330 of 02.04., 2008) based on the decision of the Academic Council KazNMU number 1 from 26/09/2007 subdepartment of Clinical laboratory and instrumental diagnostic has been renamed the subepartment of Laboratory Diagnostics and Molecular Medicine.
The subdepartment trained students 2, 3 and 4 years of the faculty, “General Medicine”, 6 year medical, pediatric faculty, five branches of the course “Medical and biological matter” and residents in the specialty “Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics” and related specialties in the following disciplines:
“Clinical Biochemistry, “Problems of Molecular Medicine”, “Medical and biological matter”;
“Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics”, “Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics” for residents in the field of “Pediatrics”, “Neonatologist”, “Obstetrician-Gynecologist,” “psychiatrist”, “Phthisiologists”, “Neurologist”, “infectious diseases”, “Oncologist”, “Cardiologist”, “Sports Medicine “” Dermatovenerologist “,” GP “,” endocrinologist “,” Rheumatologist “,” Dentist “; “Laboratory diagnosis of cardiovascular disease “, “Laboratory diagnosis of intrauterine infections”, “Fundamentals of gemostaziology” , “General clinical analysis of blood” ,”Biochemistry of organs and tissues” , “Biochemistry of pathological processes”, “Modern diagnostic technology,” “Molecular Aspects of Clinical Biochemistry,” “Standards for GLP and Quality Management” .
Diploma thesis at the 5 th year students MDB on a specialty “The doctor – a biochemist. microbiologist”;
Teaching and industrial practice “physician assistant intern” (work in the office of the functional diagnosis) in the 4th year students of OM;
” Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics ” – residency (1st and 2nd year).
On September 1, 2010, became head of the subdepartment, MD Professor Tsoi I.G.
Our achievements
Ph.D., Associate Professor Beisembayev Sh.A. was the executive in charge of research projects:
1. “Development and implementation of high genomic technologies in the diagnosis and prediction of the course and outcomes of infectious diseases” (Grant MH RK);
2. “Genetic structure of populations of Mycobacterium tuberculosis circulating in Kazakhstan” (grant MES);
3. “Developing evidence-based programs to improve laboratory services and biosafety in the Republic of Kazakhstan” (Grant MH RK).
4. Performer fragment of NTP “Molecular design of new anti-infective drugs azotsiklic connections” (National Center for Biotechnology, Astana and Institute of General Genetics and Cytology, Almaty, MES RK).
5. Research project KazNMU “Studies of factors of vascular damage and higher risk of myocardial pathology in children with obesity and metabolic syndrome,” in conjunction with the subdepartment of Pediatrics.
Currently, MD, Associate Professor Beisembayeva Sh.A. is the executor of STP:
1. “Mapping the eco-social and genetic factors determining susceptibility to tuberculosis of the RK” an international project with participation of Nazarbayev University, Life Sciences Center (Astana), Columbian University (New York, USA), and the association phthisiologists.
2. The project “Development of a model (program) to provide anti-aging active longevity of elderly people in Kazakhstan”, “Development of an integrated program of prevention of osteoporosis in the Republic of Kazakhstan” (Academy of nutrition in conjunction with KazNMU), which also involved members of the subdepartment.
The subdepartment has a long-term international collaboration with research centers in Germany, the United States and Russia to implement international programs involving “Nazarbayev University”, Columbia University, New York USA. Kazakh-Russian project “Genetic studies of polymorphisms of genes for osteoporosis,” and “Innovative methods of diagnosing cardiovascular disease.”
Over the years the subdepartment has published over 60 articles, received two patents are protected by two PhD theses. Professor Ablaev N.R textbook published in the Kazakh language “Hepatology, and Clinical Biochemistry,” published the textbook “Biochemistry in the schemes and drawings,” and five textbooks in the Russian and Kazakh languages of Clinical Biochemistry. Professor Zhangelova M.B. – 3 manuals for clinical laboratory diagnosis.
Refresher courses organized by the subdepartment during the period from 2004 to 2009. by 16 cycles of 62 trained physician, laboratory, and five doctors of functional diagnosis of “Actual questions of clinical laboratory”, “PCR – diagnosis of infectious diseases”, “Enzyme immunoassay”, “Modern diagnostic technology in CLD”, “Functional diagnosis. Spirography ”
In February 2011, Professor N.R. Ablaev held a seminar for staff of the department and the university on the use of online resources for innovative teaching students, as well as the use of animations and videos on clinical biochemistry.
Over the years the department since 2003 were held ten international scientific conferences (Modern Problems of laboratory diagnostics, etc). Employees of the department annually make presentations at local, regional and national conferences on laboratory diagnosis.
The subdepartment organizes and conducts in conjunction with the subdepartment of Phthisiology two student conferences on world day to combat AIDS and tuberculosis.
Professor and Associate Professors participate in the meetings of Association of Physicians of laboratory in Almaty, the tender commission on procurement of laboratory equipment for the Department of Health, Almaty, and certification committee for the specialty “Internal Medicine» (I-II category). Ass. Uskenbaeva U.A together with prof. Imanbaeva T.M. participated in the development of treatment protocols for children with various hematologic diseases. Since 2003 the department were held on 10 international scientific conferences.
Since 2011 the RK was organized “Kazakhstan Association of Medical Laboratory Diagnostics.” Vice President KAMLD is Beisembayeva Sh.A., the editorial board of the journal “Laboratory medicine” includes employees of the Department prof. Thoi I.G., Prof. Ablaev N.R, prof. Zhangelova M.B, Mendesheva G.G, assistant Iskakova A.S. All members of the subdepartment are members of KAMLD. In November 2011 published the first issue of “Laboratory Medicine”.
In April 2012 was published the second issue of the journal KAMLD dedicated to the international scientific-practical conference “Actual problems and prospects of development of laboratory medicine in Kazakhstan”, which will be held April 4-5 this year.
March 16, 2012 in the educational work of a round table discussion on “Corruption is incompatible with the honor code of the student and the teacher,” which was attended by students living in a hostel number 1 and 2 and the teachers of the department assistant professor LDMM Mendesheva G.G, assistant . Shaikenova L.B, Iskakova A.S, Duysenbaeva A.Zh., Uskenbaeva U.A, Degemerzanova N.K, st.laborant Askarova G.E. Carrying out the next round table discussion on the problem of tuberculosis in the RK, is scheduled for April 2012.
Under the guidance of Professor Ablaev N.R students are trained 610-05 gr of pediatric faculty Semioshko N. and Lee K. on “proteasome” to participate in the third round intrahigh Olympics.
In the summer of 2011 residents attended two years of training in field studies (conducted survey respondents, laboratory screening capillary blood and ultrasound heel bone densitometry) of the project “Development of an integrated program of prevention of osteoporosis in the Republic of Kazakhstan” in which it was inspected more than 2,000 people in 12 regions of RK.