The chair of hospital surgery, nowadays surgical illnesses № 2, based in september 1935 year.
The founder and firste manager of the chair was doctor and deserved figure of science Каzakhstan, the doctor of medical sciences, professor Victor Vasilevich Zikeev, managing of the chair within 20 years. For this period (1935-1955 years) by employees of the chair executed and protected 18 candidates and two doctors dissertations.
In 1956-1957 educational year fulfilled duties managing of the chair of hospital surgery Nikolay Semenovich Narodetsky, was born in 1892 year. In 1917 he ended medical faculty of the Moscow State University and within 30 years (till 1946) served in the ranks of the red army, passed way from the regimental doctor to the chief of surgical branch of large military hospital. Since 1946 colonel medical service N.S.Narodetsky – the lecturer of the chair hospital surgery. By him publishes 13 works.
In 1957-1958 educational year managed of the chair Valentine Sergeevich Gamov. He was born in 1905 year. He ended military-medical academy in Leningrad.
With 1959 year within 21 years managed of the chair the deserved figure of science Каzakhstan, the doctor of medical sciences, professor Michael Ivanovich Brjakin. He ended medical faculty of the Tomsk University in 1927 year. In 1947 year by him for the first time in Republic executes transthoracic operation at esophagus cancer. Under him management protected 3 doctors and 32 candidates dissertations.
1980-1986 years managing of the chair Kukeev Turar Kojshigaraevich. He ended the Kazakh State Medical Institute in 1959 year. The author of 155 scientific works. Under him management protected 1 candidate dissertation. Present time the professor of the given chair.
1986-2003 years managing of the chair professor Edil Ajdarhanovich Apsatarov. He one of founders of vascular surgery in Kazakhstan. He ended the Alma-Aty State Medical Institute in 1962 year. The author of 450 scientific works, from them 5 monographies, the participant of many international congresses and conferences. Under him management protected 8 doctors and 26 candidates dissertations.
With september 2003 year managing of the chair professor ОСПАНОВ АБДИРАЛИ. He was born in 1950 year, in the village Shajan of the Chimkent area. In 1972 ended the Alma-Aty State Medical Institute (nowadays Каzakh National Medical University). The professor of medicine (with 2000 year). The doctor of medical sciences (1998 year). The surgeon of the highest category. With 1977 year works in the Каzakh National Medical University. Candidate dissertation theme: «Hemosorbtion in complex treatment obliterating diseases of the bottom finitenesses» (1985 year). Doctor dissertation theme: «Osonotherary in complex treatment of the diffuse purulent peritonitis» (1998 year).
The author more 150 scientific works. From them 1 monography and 5 patents. Under him management protected 2 candidates and 2 doctors dissertations. Every year spends more 130 operations on gastroenteric path and bilious ways.
Now on the chair 9 teachers work. From them – 2 professors (A. Ospanov, T. K. Kukeev), 4 lecturers (B.R.Balmagambetov, C. S. Nam., M.U.Zhulovchinov, A.B.Atantaev) and 3 assistants (N.K.Musabaev, B.I.Ajbergenov, N.S.Doszhanov). All have scientific degrees.
BALMAGAMBETOV BACHYT RISMAGAMBETOTOVICH. The candidate of medical sciences (1993 year). The lecturer of medicine (1999 year). Was born on 24th of december 1952 year in the settlement Kazalinsk Kyzyl-Ordinskoj areas. The Kazakh. In 1975 year ended medical faculty of the Alma-Aty State Medical Institute. 17 years worked in practical public health services. The Cardiovascular surgeon of the highest category. Candidate dissertation theme «Syndrome of thoracic outlet». In the Каzakh National Medical University of S.D.Asfendijarov works with 1993 year. The Author of 125 scientific works, including 1 textbook «Хирургиялыкаурулар» on каzakh language, 1 educational manual, 10 educational-methodical works, 12 inventions, 4 rationalizive offers.
CHUN EL. NAM The Korean. Was born in 1954 year in the city Corsacov of island Sakhalin, Russian Federation. The candidate of medical sciences (1993 year), the lecturer of medicine (2005 year). Ended in 1977 year medical faculty of the «Seconds Moscow State Medical Institute of N. I. Pirogov». Candidate dissertation theme «Prophylaxis suppurations of postoperative wounds at destructive appendicitis». The surgeon of the highest category. Works in the Каzakh National Medical University of S.D.Asfendijarov with 1992 year. The Author of 24 scientific works, including 3 inventions, 1 educational manual.
ZHULOVCHINOV MARAT URASAY ULY. Was born in 1953 in the Moscow. In 1980 finished the Novosibirsk State Medical Institute. The candidate of medical sciences (1991 year). Candidate dissertation theme «Optimization of surgical tactics of treatment of the restrained hernias at patients of the oldest age group». Works in the Каzakh National Medical University of S.D.Asfendijarov with 1991year. The Author of 48 scientific works and 6 rationalizive offers. The surgeon of the highest category.
KUKEEV TURAR KOYSCHIGARAEVICH. Was born on 15th of december 1933 year in the village Uch-Aral Talasskov areas Zhambylsky regions. In 1952 year with excellently ended medical school in the city Taraz. In 1958 year with excellently ended medical faculty of the Kazakh State Medical Institute in the Almaty. The professor of medicine (1994 year). The candidate of medical sciences (1964 year). Candidate dissertation theme «Comparative estimation of some ways of treatment obliterating endoarteriitis».
With 1960 year works in the Каzakh National Medical University of S.D.Asfendijarov. With 1980 on 1985 years – managed of the chair of hospital surgery. The author more 150 scientific works, including two monographies «Selected lectures on hospital surgery» and 2 textbooks «Госпиталдык surgery» and «Хирургиялыкаурулар» in coauthorship on каzakh language. In 1981 year appropriated the honourary title «Well-deserved worker of the higher school of the Kazakh Republic». In 1997 year selected by “Honourary Professor» National Science Centre of Surgery of A.N.Syzganov.
MUSABAEV NURLAN KHALYKOVICH. Was born in 1953 in city Almaty. The Kazakh. In 1976 ended medical faculty of the Alma-Aty State Medical Institute with excellently. In subsequent worked in the Каzakh Research Institute of Surgery. The inventor of the USSR, awarded by sign on the inventor of the USSR for «The Way of treatment of ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum» – the Copyright certificate № 908328 from 1 april 1980. The winner of All-Union review of scientific and technical creativity of youth in the city of Moscow in 1980 (the sign on the winner given out) and awarded by the Main committee of the Exhibition of Achievements of the National economy of the USSR bronze medal in the city of Moscow in 1981 (the certificate № 35121 for the reached successes in development of national economy of the USSR) for ways of treatment cicatricial stricture. With 1982 on 1986 years was in Moscow in the department of esophagus and stomach in All-Union Scientific Centre of Surgery Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR and in 1986 year finished successfully target clinical ordinature and target post-graduate study on surgery. The 12th of May 1987 year protected successfully theme «The Remote results of selective proximal vagotomy». The candidate of medical sciences (1987 year). On the chair «Surgical illnesses № 2» Каzakh National Medical University of S.D.Asfendijarov works with 1997 year. The surgeon of the highest category – on continual basis. The participant of international congresses, international scientific-practical conferences, conferences on of innovation technology, scientific-practical seminars, module instruction,master-classes. The author more 62 scientific works, 6 rationalizive offers and 1 invention. Teached students of medicine by Kazakh, Russian and English languages.
ATANTAEV ALIBEK BALABEKOVICH. Was born in 1964 year in the village Peaceable Mojynkumsky areas of Zhambylsky regions. In 1991 year ended medical faculty of the Alma-Aty State Medical Institute with excellently and finished clinical ordinature on surgery. The candidate of medical sciences (2003 year). The lecturer of medicine. Candidate dissertation theme «Osonotherapy in complex treatment of panaricis».Works on the chairs «Surgical illnesses №2» Каzakh National Medical University of S.D.Asfendijarov with 2004 year. The surgeon of the highest category. The author more than 30 scientific works.
AJBERGENOV BACHYT IKJASOVICH. Was born in 1960 year. Ended medical faculty of the Aktyubinsk State Medical Institute in 1991 year. The Candidate of medical sciences (2007 year). Candidate dissertation theme «Құрсақтың қысылған қайталама жарығына an allotransplantat қолдану арқылы хирургиялық емдеуді жетілдіру» on каzakh language. Works on the chairs «Surgical illnesses №2» КазНМУ of S.D.Asfendijarov with 2006 year. The surgeon of the highest category. Works on the chairs «Surgical illnesses №2» Каzakh National Medical University of S.D.Asfendijarov with 2006 year. The author more 20 scientific works and 1 invention.
DOSZHANOV NARIMAN CAPARALIEVICH). Ended medical faculty of the Semipalatinsk State Medical Institute in 1994 year. Works in the Каzakh National Medical University of S.D.Asfendijarov with 2001 year. The Author 10 scientific works.
The scientific researches on the chair spent on the theme: «Optimization and application new technologies in urgen surgery». Last years in the practical public health services introduced 6 new medical technologies and received 9 patents for inventions.
On the chair protected 15 doctors and 67 candidates dissertations. Published 18 monographies, 3 textbooks on the surgery, 14 collection of the scientific proceedings, 30 educational-methodical manuals.