Republic Day

More than twenty years ago, the name Republic of Kazakhstan appeared on the world map. The new name adorned the ancient country, spread over the wide expanses of the Eurasian steppes.
In the Declaration on State Sovereignty, which was adopted on October 25, 1990, for the first time such principles of Kazakh statehood as integrity, indivisibility and inviolability of territories were enshrined in the development of the culture of the peoples of Kazakhstan and their languages, and the strengthening of national identity.
It was on this day that a foundation was laid, on which a free society is now being built, in which equality and respect for each other reign.
An important element that consolidated the interests of all ethnic groups and ensured strict observance of the rights and freedoms of citizens, regardless of their nationality, was the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. Being a unique socio-political institution of its kind, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan regularly confirms its importance and relevance. Today it has no analogues in the world. Each nation living in Kazakhstan has the right to speak its native language, develop culture and traditions. Good changes are taking place in the country, inspiring joy and hope.
As part of the events dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the Republic, a solemn meeting of the departments of language disciplines, medical law, information and communication technologies, the history of Kazakhstan and social and humanitarian disciplines was held at S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University with the participation of 1st year students of the school “General Medicine”. A solemn word and a little about the history of this holiday was said by the Dean of the School “General Medicine – 1” Ph.D., Associate Professor Izmailova S.Kh. She noted that this date in the Kazakh calendar is associated with the adoption of the Declaration of sovereignty at the session of the Supreme Council. From that day, the real acquisition of independence by Kazakhstan began. Good changes are taking place in the country today, inspiring joy and hope. Having gained sovereignty, our Republic has achieved significant success in all spheres of our life. Kazakhstan, solving problems in politics and economy, is moving forward without shocks and cataclysms.
The independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan is now recognized by more than 120 states of the world, and diplomatic relations have been established with 105 of them. About 100 diasporas live in Kazakhstan today – representatives of other peoples. We are the children of different nations, but we are fed by one mother – the Motherland. We are people of different nationalities, but we live in peace and harmony. The friendship of all peoples and nationalities living in Kazakhstan, in their common affairs and common holidays is the key to a peaceful and happy future of our big house, whose name is Kazakhstan.
As a guest, the candidate of chemical sciences, professor, member of the Council of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan, head of the “Association of Greek Societies of Kazakhstan “Filia”” Iordanidi Georgy Konstantinovich was invited. He told about the history, culture and traditions of the Greek people. Georgy Konstantinovich presented a book exhibition about famous people of Greek origin. The conversation with the audience was meaningful and lengthy, as the students showed great interest in this topic. The moderators noted the active feedback from the students: they asked questions to which they received exhaustive answers. The organizers, students and teaching staff of the departments held this event with enthusiasm and hope for new meetings with other representatives of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.