The general surgery department was founded the Almaty State Medical Inctitute in 1934. Professor A.N.Sizganov was the first head of this department.
1934-1963 – the head of the department is Sizganov Alexandr Nikolaevich
1963-1971 — the head of the department is Chuvakov Kojakhmet Kojakovich
1971-1981 — the head of the department of the medical faculty is professor Chuvakov Kojakhmet Kojakovich
1971-1981 — the head of the department of pediatrics faculty is professor Dairov Almagambet Bekishevich
1981 – the consolidation of the general surgery department’s medical and pediatrics faculties
1981-1985 — the head of the department is Dairov Almagambet Bekishevich
1985-1988 — the head of the department is Golovachev Valentin Luckich
1988-2009 — the head of the department is Durmanov Kalibay Durmanovich
2010-2011 — Kapanova Gul’nar Djambaeva is the head of the department.
2011-2012 – Kyzhyrov Zhanbai Naltaikhanovich is head of the department.
Since March of 2012 – the department’s duties are being performed by Mukanov Marat Umirbekovich.
Different years professor Suleimenov Argin Arginovich, afterwards the director of Oncology Institute; professor Idrisov Akram Salimovich , afterwards the head of ASIAMS (the Almaty State Institute of Advanced Medical Studies) oncology department; professor Kasenov Toleutai Sarmantaevich, professor Ospanov Abdrali Ospanovich, afterwards the head of the hospital surgery department; professor Baimukhamedov Jenis Djanbatirovich etc. worked at the department.
Scientific researches at the department:
- Abdominal and thoracal cavities urgent surgery’s actual questions.
- An influence of an external environment unfavourable factors to surgical disoders’ flow.
- Complicated social-meaningful diseases’s diagnosing and surgical treatment.
- Pus-inflammatory diseases and intestinal fistulas their diagnosing and treatment’s modern and innovative methods
The department’s publishing activities:
- General surgery (1992, 2006).
- General surgery and anaesthesiology.
- Nursing patients with surgical diseases.
In the light of KazNMU Strategy’s realization (high qualified personnel preparing) – an embedding of new technologies for treatment and diagnosing surgical diseases, there was an International Master-class on “diabetic foot” in 23 of April 2011, organized by the general surgery department. Also “School of the diabetic foot” was opened, presentation of which was the Master-class opening day. The “School of the diabetic foot” last within a week since 25 for 29 of April (45 academic hours). The Master-Class and The “School of the diabetic foot” were going on the basis of the #7 Municipal Clinical Hospital with the basic clinic administration’s and “Worwag-Pharma” pharmaceutical company’s support.
Master-class was conducted by Doctor of Medicine, the head of the Russian Academy of the Post-Qualifying Education (RAPQE) endocrinology department, director of Diabetic Foot Centre working in accordance to “Diabetes” International Programm, Russian representative in “Diabetic Foot” International Working Group I.V. Gur’eva and candidate of medical science T.A. Meleshkevich (RAPQE).
Professor I.V. Gur’eva read a lecture about: “New possibilities on an improving efectiveness in therapy of diabetes mellitus microvascular complications. From the diabetic neuropathy to the diabetic foot. Is it possible to prevent amputation?” Doctor Meleshkevich T.A. read a lecture named: “Diabetic retinopathy: what do a doctor of a different speciality has to know”.
Then there was a seminar for 2 working groups. Each working group also was divided into smaller groups. The audience learned about new possibilities on an improving efectiveness in therapy of microvascular complications, risk factors detection, diabetes mellitus diagnosing and treatment, and also polyneuropathy diagnosing with the help of half-quantitatuve toolmaking tests (scale) by retinopathy degree. You can determinate disease stage and take on an adequate complex treatment. Also audience were taught to carry out the right diagnosing algorithm and complex conservative diabetic foot treatment, to policy of treatment patients after bland amputations (low amputation and complete amputations), corrective medical procedures or amputation fail. The general surgery department prepared 10 patients for the seminar demonstration, all went through oculist examination, blood tests for glicemic sideview, haemoglobin examination, lipids, and in some cases — vessels doplerography. Special orthopedic footwear was demonstrated by invitee doctors, developed in association with endocrinology department, surgery department and orthopedic factory depending on amputation level. Also special surgical instruments for making operations on the diabetic foot were demonstrated. The pharmaceutical company “Worwag-Pharma” presented to the audience “Temp-Test” transducers for surface sensitiveness definition.
At the end of the Master-Class and the “School of the diabetic foot” all listeners took certificates.
The “School of the diabetic foot” Programm included mini-lectures, case-study seminars, role playing games, patients demonstration and examination. In all there were 63 listeners: surgeons, endocrinologists, ophthalmologists from all Almaty clinics; lecturers of the ASIAMS surgery department, KazNMU named after S.D.Asphendiyarov general surgery department and №1 and №2 surgery diseases departments.
The next “School of the diabetic foot” seminar is planning to be in autumn.
The general surgery department invites all persons interested.