The department of General Biology was organized among the first 10 faculties of the Institute in 1931 April 21st. The first director of the faculty was professor В. A Zakhvatkin. During the first decade cathedra had a small staff, which consisted of the chief of cathedra, assistant and lab technician. In later years the Department was headed by:
1933-1941 years dr. biol.sci., professor Bartenev A. N.
1941-1954 years — Professor A.A.Voytkevich
1954-1956 years dr. biol.sci., Zaharov V.I.
1956-1961 years, (dr. biol.sci., professor Aleev A. M.
1961-1973 years — docent Elantseva V.R.
1976-1986 years, cand. biol.sci., Professor Sahibzadaev K.S.
1987-1990 years – dr. biol.sci., Sarsenov A.S.
1990-1991 years- cand.biol.sci., Posunko L. L.
1991-2001 years – dr. med. sci., professor Kazymbet P. K.
Since 2001, the department had been headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Kuandykov Esengeldy Userbaevich, which along with the strengthening of the previous achievements of faculty, made a great contribution to further development of material-technical and scientific basis of the department. for productive work E.U Kuandykov awarded for the Order «Badge of Honor» and the badge «For Excellence in Education,» the medal «For Valiant Labor» and diplomas.
E.U Kuandykov has author over 60 scientific and methodical works, six books and the Russian-Kazakh dictionary of basic genetic and biological terms. Under his leadership, there are defended 3 doctoral and three master’s theses.
By editing of Professor E.U Kuandykov The department’s Staff issued the modern textbook «Medical Biology and Genetics,» in two languages with extended information block, and illustrated with colored drawings of all topics (2004), reprinted the textbook for medical biology and genetics in Kazakh language (the authors E.U Kuandykov, S.A Abilaev, 2006). Due to changes in discipline contents and renaming of department into department of molecular biology and genetics have been prepared and published the following textbooks for students in Russian and Kazakh languages (Medical Biology and Genetic), (E.U Kuandykov., Abilaev S.A.) » «Молекулалық биология негіздері» (E.U Kuandykov, L.Amanzholova, 2008), «Fundamentals of Molecular Biology (lectures)» (T.A Muminov, E.U Kuandykov., 2008), «жалпы және медициналық негетика негіздері» (E.U Kuandykov., Nuralieva U.A.., 2009 y).
In 2005, Professor E.U Kuandykov was appointed as the first provost of teaching methods and educational work KazNMU after named .S.J. Asfendiyarov.
In 2005-2006 years in charge of Medical Biology and Genetic department, was associate Cand. Biol.Sci., Zhumasheva Rahima Tazhibaevna.
From 2006 until now , Professor E.U Kuandykov. Has the management of department. Currently, the department has: 1 professor, Dr. MED. Sci., E.U Kuandykov,
4 Associate Professor: Cand. MED. Sci., K.S Nurtaeva , Cand. Biol.Sci., S.K Almuhambetova, Dr. Biol.Sci. P.T Zhumasheva, Cand. Biol.Sci., U.A Nuralieva , A senior lecturer K.A Tarakova, 8 teachers: A.R Kulukbaeva , G.T Kakisheva, I.K Nurpeisova , G.T Taneyeva , A.K Kydyrbaeva , K.E Zhuzjan , M.J Zhumagul , J.A Kashaganova 3 senior laboratory assistants: A.J Mustafayeva, B.O Igisinova , A.N Eshengalieva , a probationer A.B Aubakirova.
According to introduction of new teaching discipline, on molecular biology and medical genetics at GOSO-2006, the Medical Biology and Genetics Department was renamed into Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics in 2006.
The Staff department made decisive contribution to support educational and methodical new discipline. Employees of the department by Professor E.U Kunadykov’s directions were prepared and approved by Ministry of Health of the RK model program in molecular biology and genetics for all specialties, except nursing (general medicine, dentistry, public healthcare, pharmacy).
On basis of model program in department working programs have been developed and training-methodical complexes in all specialties, published in hard copy.
During this period, cooperators of Department published six books and four manuals. 4 textbook on molecular biology and genetics in Russian and Kazakh languages used in teaching medical institutions of Astana, Aktobe, Semipalatinsk.
To ensure clarity and improve the quality of lectures and practical classes were selected and printed, more than 200 drawings, tables, schemes on molecular biology and genetics in Russian and Kazakh languages.
The department actively introducing modern innovative learning technologies, with free access to online students in practical classes (interactive board), problem-based learning.
The results of scientific and educational activities of Department cooperators are reflected in 102 scientific publications in journals near and far abroad, domestic journals and collections scientific works of University. staff Department participated in congresses, conferences, symposia, in Ufa, Novosibirsk, Bishkek, Astrakhan, Semipalatinsk, Almaty, Astana, etc.
The Department cooperators are actively working in administrative structure of the University: Professor E.U Kuandykov served as first vice-rector of the University, assistant professor S.K Almuhambetova worked in the dean’s office for many years, Senior Lecturer K.A Tarakova, R.T Zhumasheva is leading general medicine faculty. U.A Nuralieva directs the Department of the QMS.
Labor staff department marked award winning: Professor E.U Kuandykov — the Order «Badge of Honor» and the badge «For Excellence in Education,» the medal «For Valiant Labor» and honorary diplomas. Associate Professor K.S Nurtaieva — Breastplate » Health Excellent «, S.K Almuhambetova -Silver Medal of the University, R.T Dzhumasheva -the bronze medal of the university.
One of the important activities of department is to impart students with independent work skills of scientific literature, ability in creatively analyze and summarize the achievements of science, apply them in learning process.
To achieve these goals actively conducts student scientific circle «biologist». Since 1991, the NSC has conducted in two languages: in state and in Russian. Every year, dozens of students participate in, while speak from abstracts reports in Russian and Kazakh languages, as well as reports on results of own research. The CPC indicator effectiveness, «biologist» are repeated winners becoming Members of the circle at scientific conferences in the Day of Science University (Kozbakov A. Mergenbaeva A., M. Kulmaganbetov). Their works have been published in KazNMU student work anthologies.
The Molecular Biology and Genetics Department has determined to improve basic skills of PPP profile faculties all medical institutions of republic.
One of the most important activities of the molecular biology and genetics department is educational work among students.
The purpose of educational work is to educate students in patriotism spirit, internationalism, high morals and spirituality.
The Teachers of Molecular Biology and Genetics Department, are the curator of Kazakh Branch of General Medicine Department :
Participation in University’s activities :
Students take part in actions «Fight Against AIDS»
Held annually, «Dedication to Students,» in which attend all curators and curatorial groups to evening concert dedicated faculty, «General Medicine».
The department carries out curatorial watch on various topics.
Curators with curatorial groups visit KazNMU museum, watch movie about the history of university:
By curators supervision organize curatorial hour on «Желтоксан желі ызғарлы» Dedicated to Independence Day of Kazakhstan.
Department has organized meeting party with athletes, «the 2011 Asian Games,» on 7th Asian Winter Olympics. The Olympiad participants Athletes have been invited — (Sport Master of RK in Biathlon DE Keeshov, sport master of international levels of RK, D.K Moldabayev), as well as TV program «Khabar» and «STV».
Each year The department held party devoted to the New Year, in which actively take part all the supervisors and the supervised group.
Every year Department celebrates the «Nauryz» with students
Each supervisor spend an hour devoted in with curatorial groups by discussion about Messages of President of RK Nursultan Nazarbayev Talk about student’s Honor Code and Corrupt Practices Act.
Supervised students annually visit the Theatre after named M. Auezov, the theater « youth audience » after named .G. Musrepov.
Within the confines of professors Visiting there are invited the following professors: Medical Sciences Academician, Professor N.P Bochkov, A.A Starkov professor at Cornell University and Miungshi Kim (Korea, Seoul).
the staff Department attended courses of lectures » professors -Visiting «:
K.T Momynalieva (Moscow, Russia)
Gregory Bathory (Hungary, Budapest)
Albert Pinkhassov (Israel, Ariel)
Miungshi Kim (Korea, Seoul)
A.A Starkov, (USA, Cornell University)
Abdraymov A. (Kyrgystan)